As someone trying to learn #python my hot take of the day is: "List Comprehension" is a dumb way to say "I'm going to create a list based on pre-determined parameters".
Yes I understand the origins. I still hate it. It itches my #neurospicy brain in the exact wrong way.
If you aren't mathematician, the word "Comprehension" comes with many other connotations and can be confusing.
You know what would make more sense? Just calling it what it is: A "List Expression"
Building a Hand-Drawn Digit Recognizer with PyTorch and MNIST #python
Petition to rename Python's __init__ method to __boa__ so we can call them Boa constructors
I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain #games #programming #python #vcs
Python is not Java or C++: Python as a second language empathy (2018) #python
Lapidary-render 0.12.0 is now released.
To the best of my knowledge it's the only #codeGenerator that properly handles #jsonSchema anyOf and allOf.
Also has support for oneOf, but not per the specs.
I just published version 1.9.0 of the slixmpp #python #xmpp library, check out the blog announcement for more details: