My teen years: Porting Small-C to transputer and developing my operating system via @lproven #historical #osdev #retrocomputing
My teen years: Porting Small-C to transputer and developing my operating system via @lproven #historical #osdev #retrocomputing
Johnny Blanchard / Re-Enthused makes videos about retro computers and video games, including both famous and obscure systems. You can follow at:
There are already 570 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at
You can also follow Blanchard's general social media account at @jonn_blanchard
The QBone from will allow us to get our 11/O3 online with another timesharing option. The beagle bone is embedded. #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #community
Here are the latest news regading my #TMSnake #game for #rc2014 and #TMS9918a #graphics.
The video below shows the current state of affairs, and I've just added some limited #sfx to the game - however the recording below did not caputre the beepy beeps for some reason.
There is one last tweak I need to add in terms of gameplay but the final release is "coming soon"
Jan Beta makes videos about repairing and restoring old computers and other equipment, especially the Commodore Amiga and C64:
There are already over 40 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at
You can also follow Jan's general social media account at @janbeta
If you like #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #retrogaming
Please consider supporting
We have over 23 vintage systems running 24/7 for you online to understand the past.
Welcome to NOSTROMO, a Data General AViiON mc88110 running DG/UX R4.11
This is our first m88k machine online provided by Josh Dersch
Available under the UNIX submenu a 'ssh'
I'm working on a talk on DRAM compression. Some of the earliest consumer products in this area were SoftRAM for Windows 95 (a fake which didn't compress at all!) and Connectix RAM Doubler for classic MacOS (which did actually work).
Did anyone ever try to reverse engineer RAM Doubler (and write about it) – or is there perhaps source code for RAM Doubler available somewhere?
Pre Java 1.0: The Oak Language Specifications via @rk #java #plt #retrocomputing
I gave Windows 3.11 a dark mode. It's practically a modern OS now.
New instance same intro. I live in Portugal, old millennial, married, father of 2 young children, work as an Information System consultant, into #FOSS #Linux #Privacy #Art #Cinema #Politics, #Radiohead, #MentalHealth, #RetroGaming, #Retrocomputing and #retro stuff in general
BBC Micro emulation directly in the browser #art #retrocomputing
À propos of nothing, here's the inlay design of a _word processor_ app for the ZX Spectrum.
I never had a ZX Spectrum and don't have a need for an 8-bit word processor at the moment, but this design — as they say — goes hard.
Notice the word "PUNISHMENT" that's included in the design — for seemingly no reason at all.
I yearn for the alternate reality in which COMPACT OFFICE is what we use instead of boring MS Word and Google Docs.
SDF 36bit #tshirts are now available! Can ship to you or you can pick it up at Interim Computer Festival.
Want to connect to this stack of 1990s beige UNIX pizza boxes? ssh or and login as 'menu'. You can support SDF Vintage Systems by donating or joining our BOOTSTRAP membership. #retrocomputing #retrogaming #vintagecomputing